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Tony Lee is standing for Council in Hoddle Ward in the City of Yarra. He's smiling in front of a park in Collingwood.
Vote 1 Tony Lee for Collingwood Councillor (Hoddle Ward) an Independent candidate in the City of Yarra

Council should be for the People, not Political Parties.

As an independent representative, I aim to restore FAIRNESS, TRUST and PRIDE in our local council. 

I hope to use my skills and influence to empower the residents and businesses of Collingwood to gain better value, access and enjoyment from the City of Yarra.  

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FoGo bins inYarra have still not been brought in 3 months after they were introduced

What's on your mind, Collingwood?

1.   Better Value for Residents & Ratepayers

2.  Restore Trust In Our Council

3.  Save Public Housing

4.  Keeping Our Streets Clean   

5.  More Green Spaces for Collingwood 

6.  Prioritising Pedestrian Safety & Accessibility

7.  Feeling Pride in Our Community

8.  Scrap The Bin Tax

9.  Fairer, More Accessible Parking & Transport Options

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